Tuesday, February 12, 2013

How To Blog About Senior Portraits With A Questionnaire

Blog about senior portraits, with sample pre-session questionnaire. I suggest creating a questionnaire for your senior client to fill out before the session begins. You can either ask them to complete it via email or request that they come in early to their session to fill it out and then you can take some time to look it over. The disadvantage of not doing this means you have to try to spend the entire session getting to know your senior. 

1. What is your favorite memory from your high school years thus far?

2. If you could go see any band, living or dead, in concert who would that be?

3. Who would you say is your best friend? How long have you known them? How did you meet?

4. Were you nervous about beginning high school?

5. What would you say is the first thing people notice about you?

6. What type of music is on your iPod?

7. What was your favorite movie growing up?

8. What is your favorite outfit?

9. Are you in any extra curricular activities?

10. What would be your dream car?

11. What memory of high school makes you laugh the most?

12. How would you like to be portrayed in your senior images?

13. What is a must have item for any high school student?

14. Is there a part of your body that your uncomfortable with (most of us have one)?

15. What are you passionate about?

16. Are you a fan of any sport teams or athletes?

17. What brand of clothing do you own the most of?

18. Where do you buy most of your clothing from?

19. What can you be found doing on the weekends?

20. Have their been any images that you have seen that you have liked? You can describe them to me instead of writing them down.

21. Okay, you’re probably sick of answering questions by now. Let’s finish this up with this last question; what is the most important thing to know about you?

After they have completed the questionnaire you can take time to glance over it and now you have conversation starters. On top of that, at this point your senior client will begin to feel more comfortable. Good luck with your senior session!

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