Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Types of Photography

There are a lot of different types of photography. Some you may have heard of before and others you may not have. In this article I will try to list all the types of photography and explain a bit about the more popular ones. So if you're just starting out or you've been a photographer for a long time read on to find out what other types of photography are available to you.
Digital Camera And Flash by Petr Kratochvil

There are a lot of different types of photography. Some you may have heard of before and others you may not have. In this article I will try to list all the types of photography and explain a bit about the more popular ones. So if you're just starting out or you've been a photographer for a long time read on to find out what other types of photography are available to you.

The big list of types of photography
First of all let me address all the types of photography. This is a long list and because of the nature of photography new forms comeout all the time. Starting from A the types are: Advertising, Aerial, Architectural, Astronomical, Baby, Black and White, Cityscape, Commercial, Concert, Digital, Documentary, Equine, Family, Fine art, Food, Fashion, Infrared, Landscape, Macro, Nature, Night, Pet, Portrait, Seascape, Travel, Underwater, Wedding and Wildlife photography. As you can see there are many, many forms of photography. Most people simply choose one and specialize in that form, some forms more popular than others.

Popular Types of Photography

Black and White photography is an old and popular type of photography. Originally camera's only took black and white photo's but these days it is used to capture the natural essence and beauty of a person or object. It gives the photo a timeless, regal look that you just cannot get with color photo's. However if you're after exuberant picture filled with life and color you're going to need to pick another form of photography.

Baby or family / portrait photography is also a very popular form to get into. It has a lot of commercial appeal and everyone wants pictures of their babies and family to preserve their precious memories. Go into any household in the world and you will see one of these hanging on a wall or sitting on a shelf. When people think of photography this is usually what they think of. Pet photography can also fall under this category to some extent. Most families have pets and pictures of when they were puppies, 1 year old, 2, etc.

Wedding photography is also one of the timeless and most sought after photography. Such a magical occasion is the wedding that you will never see one go by without a photographer present. Even couples that go to Vegas to elope over the weekend have pictures of their wedding! Wedding photography can be a lot harder than many of the other forms because you cannot set the stage and control the lighting. A wedding is a fluid event and so you must be quick on your feet and have a good eye for when to take that perfect shot. Being able to adapt is a must for wedding photography.

Travel photography is becoming more and more common in the digital age. You'd be hard pressed to find a family or group of people travelling these days that does not have a digital camera with them. And with so many beautiful landscapes and architechtural wonders around the world you can see why. People these days rarely get the chance to go on a holiday and they want to remember that stress free fun time for as long as they can. Snapping some pics of the eiffel tower or the grand canyon and having them around the house is a great way to do this. This form of photography is great for the casual photo fanatic.

So grab your camera and get out there.

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