Friday, February 8, 2013

5 Reasons Why You Should Rent Your Next Lens

Here are 5 Reasons Why You Should Consider Renting Your Next Lens (Or Other Camera Equipment):

1.Try before you buy – I get questions daily about what lenses or camera I use. Consider renting before
your next big purchase.

2. Fill a short term need, such as a vacation or uncommon photo shoot – this is great when you will be
photographing things at different focal length that you usually do.

3. Replace lens or camera that is being repaired – when your equipment is not working properly or is in for cleaning or service, you do not have to be without.

4. Extra gear for backup during an important event such as a wedding – you should always have a backup during important events where a reshoot is impossible.

5. To creative – sometimes a fun lens, like a macro, tilt-shift, or fish-eye can get you thinking creatively. But you may not want to invest in one long-term.

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