Thursday, December 19, 2013

#Hashtags In Google Search

For those of us using Google+ #Hashtags have now been introduced into Google Search. A hashtag - any word or phrase (no spaces) with a # preceding it - is a great tool for people to find and join conversations about a particular topic. Clicking on a hashtag shows related content. Hashtags are now even more powerful. When users search for certain hashtags, they’ll see a stream of related  Google+ posts on the right hand side of Search results. For example, if someone searches for #Photograph in Google Search, they’ll see this:

This means you can use hashtags in creative campaigns; tell your audience to “Search for #X on Google” to see the conversation happening on Google+. Users can join the conversation by clicking into the stream and posting on Google+.

Whenever there is enough detailed data, the Google+ post stream will serve up relevant public posts as well as those that have been shared with circles. Follow best practices to see a hashtag trend on Google+ in order to have it appear in Search. Many hashtag searches will not trigger Google+ posts in Search if there aren’t enough recent relevant posts. Google is rolling this feature out in the US right now with international markets to follow at later dates.

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