Friday, January 4, 2013

How To Build A Profitable Portrait Studio

Starting today Friday January 4 – January 6, photographer Bambi Cantrell will be sharing helpful tips that can help elevate your portrait photography career. Hosted by creativeLIVE, this workshop will be take place at Bambi’s studio in San Francisco. Join Bambi as she shows you how to take everyday materials to design stunning shooting spaces, and how to use available areas such as doors and windows for special effects. Throughout the 3 days, Bambi will cover how you can think smart and use your marketing money in the most efficient way, including marketing through local businesses, auctions and bridal fairs, as well as through creating a strong marketing brand. As with all creativeLIVE workshops, the LIVE event is FREE. Video downloads of the full 3-day event will cost $149. But when you pre-order now, you can get it for only $99.

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