Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Update your Metadata Preset to Include Your Copyright Year

Happy 2013, everyone! I hope all of your festivities were full of good fun and better company.

Don't forget to update your Metadata Preset to include 2013 as your copyright year! To those who manage metadata information as it pertains to copyright. I've made it a practice to create a new Metadata preset on the 1st of every new year in Lightroom, just to keep things tidy.

Simply click on the Preset in the Metadata Panel (on the right in Library) and choose 'Edit Presets' from the menu. Make sure to fill in all the details so that people can find you via your photo, then choose 'Save Current Settings as New Preset' from the Preset dropdown in the Edit Metadata Presets dialog!

You'll also want to consider updating those copyright footers that you may have on your websites and/or blogs.

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